Day 1 (22 Sep 2020) English Français Session 113:00 – 14:00 (GMT) Opening Prayer together/ Prière d’ouverture ensemble Administrative organs in the SMA General Assembly Plenary Council Commissions and committees Curia SMA Presentation of official documents Facilitators: Antonio & Rozario Organes administratifs dans la SMA Assemblée Generale Conseil Plénier Commissions et comités Curia SMA […]
Our documents our patrimony Nos documents notre patrimoine Founder / Fondateur Writings of the Founder / Les écrits du fondateur Writings on the Founder / Les écrits sur le fondateur **Constitutions and laws / Constitutions et lois Assemblies and Councils / Assemblées et conseils General Assembly documents / Documents des assemblées générales Plenary Council documents / […]
Central administrative bodies in the SMA Les Organes Centraux de l’administration SMA General Assembly: The supreme legislative body (art. 68) Superior General and his Council: Supreme Executive body (art 81) Plenary Council: Forum for discussion, evaluation and decisions (art 98) Curia SMA: Adminisrative offices at the service of the Superior General and his Council (art […]
Service of communion. Cordial and transparent relationship with the other Leaders and With the General Council. Proposals of appointments for members. Knowledge and implementation of the common initiatives proposed to all Units. Relationship with the Bishops, the Conference of Religious, with other missionary bodies in the Country. Relationship and physical visitation of all the members […]
Au service de la communion. Une relation cordiale et transparente avec les autres dirigeants et avec le Conseil Général. Les propositions de nomination des membres. La connaissance et mise en application des initiatives communes proposées à toutes les Entités. La relation avec les Évêques, la Conférence des religieux, avec d’autres organismes missionnaires du pays. La […]
Prelude « quod non est in actis non est in mundo »; “In administration, the written word is what is authentic. What is not written does not exist. Administration as the Locomotive of an institution The administrator carries an institution different from his physical person: men pass; the administrative apparatus remains. Concept of Juridical personality […]
Un certain nombre de principes d’administration font partie de la convention aujourd’hui. Elles distinguent ce qui est officiel de ce qui ne l’est pas. Nous aurons ici une introduction à ces principes.
AEFJN – Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network. Qu’est-ce que l’AEFJN ? / What AEFJN is ? Pourquoi nous en ferons partie ? / Why are we part of it ? Qu’est-ce que l’AEFJN fait ? / What AEFJN does ? Commission paritaire SMA-NDA sur le dialogue interreligieux, interculturel et œcuménique « Mission en dialogue ». […]
Meetings / Rencontres English Français Mindset Focus on the ultimate goal – Mission Proactive Vs reactive Representing a bigger body Types of meeting Meetings to formulate the common vision and keep the focus on it Meetings to plan the road map Meetings to decide on current issues Tips for meetings Why are you meeting? Meeting […]
17 Sep, 2020 | No Comments
All SMA leaders meet
PC2020 says, The Superior General and his Council will organise an online training programme on SMA administrative issues for all Unit Superiors and their Councils once in three months in the entire pastoral year 2020-2021 starting in October. A timetable will be prepared and sent to all Unit superiors. (PC2020 art 41) Program content We […]